6 potatoes
7 eggs (one more egg than potatoes)
1 small onion
1 c oil
Peel and wash potatoes, and cut into thin slices. Peel the onions and dice.
Heat oil in skillet. Add potatoes and onion, season with salt, and cook until the potatoes are tender but not brown.
In big bowl beat the eggs. When potatoes are done, with a spatula remove them getting as much oil off potatoes as you can and put them in the bowl. Mex well with eggs.
Remove most, but not all of oil out of skillet. Add egg and potato mixture and cook; gently shaking the skillet from time to time as the omelet sets.
Remove form heat, and place a flat plate on top of it. Holding the plate in place with your hand, invert the skillet and the plate,and tip the omelet into the plate, cooked side uppermost. Carefully slide the omelet back into the pan, and cook it on the other side. Cut into wedges, serve warm or cold.